Monday, 28 December 2015

A Recent Newsworthy Story:

An interview given by Dr. Paul Stortz in this topic has recently been published online in the U of T Magazine. For a fascinating read on the struggles of refugees trying to gain access to Canada more than half a century ago, follow this link!
Update on this Semester:

A highly successful one so far!

The CIH Interdisciplinary Working Group has had two of its scheduled meetings. The grant was approved for this project early in the term. Its goal is to bring together our interdisciplinary group of scholars to read and discuss some important articles/books on the subject of the forced-migration of German-speaking neuroscientists and biomedical researchers, from 1933-1989.

Our reading schedule looks like this:

October-28, 2015 - Assigned Reader: Aleksandra Loewenau
    • Deichmann, U. (1995): Biologists under Hitler (Germ. 1992), Cambridge, Ma., Harvard UP; esp. pp. 10-24 and notes (chpt. will be sent to participants)

November-25, 2015 - Assigned Reader: Frank W. Stahnisch

    • Heberer-Rice, P. and Matthaeus J. (2008). Atrocities on Trial: The Politics of Prosecuting War Crimes in Historical Perspective, Nebraska, University of Nebraska Press. (esp. 25-40 and notes (chpt. will be sent to participants)

January-27, 2016 - Assigned Reader: Erna Kurbegovic

    • Kater, M. H. (1989): Doctors Under Hitler, Chapel Hill, London, The University of North Carolina Press:
    • Kater, Michael. “Hitler’s Early Doctors. Nazi Physicians in Pre–Depression Germany.” Journal of Modern History 95, no. 1 (1987): 25–52.
February-24, 2016 - Assigned Reader: Paul Stortz
    • Stortz, P. (2003): “Rescue Our Family From a Living Death”: Refugee Professors and the Canadian Society for the Protection of Science and Learning at the University of Toronto, 1935- 1946, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, New Series, 14: 231-26
March-30, 2016 - Assigned Reader: Paula Larsson
    •  Weindling, P., Marks, S. and Wintour, L. (eds., 2011): The Plight, Persecution, and Placement of Academic Refugees, 1933-1980s, Oxford, Oxford University Press (esp. chpt. 1 with notes, chpt. will be sent to participants).
April-20 (or: 27 TBA), 2016  - Presenter: Dr. Heberer-Rice (US Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washinton, USA)
    • Invited Talk “North American Academic Refugees and the Compensation Question” (working title) by Dr. Heberer-Rice is envisaged for April, 2016 at the CIH.